China News 27th December 2021
Hello, my name is Wanlikhang Wanlikhang

China News 27th December 2021

In this last China News for 2021, we explore China’s long borders, where the cities have exotic customs and many cultures.   From the vast deserts in the northwest to the tropical jungles in the southwest, and then to the vast ice sheet and rivers in the northeast, we will take you into 16 border towns.

01. Xinjiang · Horgos

China News 27th December 2021

Located at the Horgos Port in Ili, Xinjiang, it is only one River away from Kazakhstan. As early as the Sui and Tang dynasties, the port was an important station on the ancient silk road.  Both sides of the river were full of greenery.

02. Xinjiang · Cocoato Sea

China News 27th December 2021

The Cocoa Sea Town is close to the Sino-Mongolian border and has rich mineral resources. It is a “national treasure” hidden in the mountains and forests.

03. Xinjiang · Baihaba

China News 27th December 2021

Baihaba Village, located on the China-Kazakhstan border line, is known as the “first sentry post in the northwest”.  Behind the village is the snow-capped peak of Mount Altay. If you look beyond the border guard, in the distance you can have a look at the scenery of Kazakhstan.

04. Xinjiang · Hongqilafu

China News 27th December 2021

The highest border port built on the Pamir Plateau at an altitude of 4,733 meters. This used to be an important pass on the ancient Silk Road, but now it has become the end of the China-Pakistan Friendship Highway.

05. Tibet · Xiachayu

China News 27th December 2021

The “57th ethnic group” living in seclusion south of the Tibetan area southXiachayu is hidden in the dense forest of Nyingchi, Tibet, bordering Myanmar and India. groups in China.

Under the influence of the warm currents in the Indian Ocean, Xiachayu has the title of “Zangdi Jiangnan”.  Fresh fruit such as loquats and grapes grown by villagers is a rare wonder in Tibet.

06. Xishuangbanna, Yunnan

China News 27th December 2021

Traditional skills of Dai Township on the border, Xishuangbanna is connected to Laos and Myanmar, and there are many Dai villages on the border that retain traditional culture and crafts. Today, when you walk into Mandan, Manlang, Manfeilong and other places, you can also find locals who retain to ancient folk skills.

07. Yunnan · Jinggu Deep Mountain Xunma Temple

China News 27th December 2021

Jinggu Dai and Yi Autonomous County is a small border town in the deep mountains of Pu’er, bordering Myanmar. The Dai Nanchuan Buddhist Temple complex here is a holy place for followers of Southern Buddhism. Among them, Mengwo General Buddha Temple, located on the top of the north of the city, is the highest-ranked Buddhist temple in the area.

08. Yunnan · Nujiang Prefecture Border villages at the foot of Gaoligong Mountain

China News 27th December 2021

Walking along the Nujiang River in the Hengduan Mountains, on one side is the mysterious Gaoligong Mountain on the China-Myanmar border. The Nujiang River flows to the junction of Yunnan and Tibet. The last primitive tea-horse ancient road can be found on the cliff on the bank of the river, connecting the famous local Wuli village.  

There are a few dozen families in the village, but there are three ethnic groups: Nu, Lisu and Tibetan. 

09. Guangxi · Chongzuo Holidays in Border Hotels

China News 27th December 2021

Chongzuo, which borders Vietnam, is gradually becoming a new destination for many people because of the secluded Lishi Resort, which opened this year.

Only 10 minutes’ drive from the Vietnamese border, the resort hotel is surrounded by a paradise of tens of thousands of rich species such as clouded leopards and white-headed langurs. Swim in the 35-meter infinity pool on the Mingshi River and merge comfortably between the mountains and forests.

10. Inner Mongolia · Shiwei Russian-style town

China News 27th December 2021

Shiwei Town on the Ergun River is a famous Russian ethnic township, and on the other side of the river is the Russian town of Oloch, overlooking the colourful onion-dome buildings.  Here, you can experience authentic Russian life: take a magical Russian sauna, stay in a wooden cabin, and have a Russian-style meal.

11. Heilongjiang · Mohe Christmas fairy tales in the Arctic Village

China News 27th December 2021

As a famous “North Pole”, the Mohe River attracts many tourists to clock in every year. The most important of them is the Arctic Christmas Village, where there is Santa Claus Hassa from Rovaniemi, Finland, in addition to wooden hut villas, reindeer parks and Christmas gift shops.  When night comes, it is very silent. Only the creaking sound of snow under my feet. Looking up is the endless starry sky, as if you can touch the whole Milky Way with a stretch of your hand.

12. Heilongjiang · Fuyuan The first dawn at the North East of China

China News 27th December 2021

Fuyuan is located at the junction of Heilongjiang and the Usuli River, next to Khabarovsk, Russia’s largest city in the Far East, known as the “Eastern Pole of China”. Every summer, many people drive 20 minutes from the city to the East Pole Square before 3 a.m., waiting for the first dawn.

13. Jilin Yanji Korean cuisine of “Little Seoul”

China News 27th December 2021

Located on the border between China and North Korea, more than half of the city’s population is Korean. The local diet skilfully combines the essence of Korean cuisine and Chinese cuisine, making this border town a famous food venue in the northeast.

14. Jilin · Hunchun Siberian tigers

China News 27th December 2021

Hunchun, located at the junction of China, Russia and North Korea, is often named the “Geographic Centre of North East Asia”. In fact, this is also the area with the highest distribution and density of wild Siberian tigers and leopards in China.


China News 27th December 2021

Traveling on the border between China and North Korea and watching North Korea is one of the itineraries that many tourists look forward to. Changbai County in the upper reaches of the Yalu River is the best place to overlook North Korea.

16. Jilin Ji’an Mysterious Dynasty of the Ancient Border City

China News 27th December 2021

Enter Ji’an along the Yalu River. The Koguryo ruins here is a cultural attraction that cannot be missed on the Sino-North Korean border. The stone walls enclose the mysterious Koguryo dynasty, which is a must-see place to understand the history of Northeast Asian peoples.

China News 27th December 2021

Among the many historical sites, the most famous is the general’s grave known as the “Oriental Pyramid”. 1,100 granite strips weighing several tons have become the majestic tomb of the 20th generation of Koguryo. Now, you can still see the prosperity of the dynasty in the colourful murals of cinnabar stone green.


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